- The best videos from around the internet - page 70

Best Catapult Launch Narration... Ever? [VIDEO]

As someone who has never been in a plane before, I can confirm after watching this video I am a fully qualified navy pilot.

Published 2 months ago VXV
Published 2 months ago VXV

Best Catapult Launch Narration... Ever? [VIDEO]

As someone who has never been in a plane before, I can confirm after watching this video I am a fully qualified navy pilot.

Developers in China Build a 10-Floor Building in Just 28 Hours [VIDEO]

The so-called “Living Building” is a prefabricated structure where modular units built offsite were stacked together onsite like Lego blocks. The ultrafast construction, described as earthquake-proof, is a nod at the 1960s global shift towards prefabricated mass housing.

Published 2 months ago VXV
Published 2 months ago VXV

Developers in China Build a 10-Floor Building in Just 28 Hours [VIDEO]

The so-called “Living Building” is a prefabricated structure where modular units built offsite were stacked together onsite like Lego blocks. The ultrafast construction, described as earthquake-proof, is a nod at the 1960s global shift towards prefabricated mass housing.