Two-year-old girl tumbles 10 feet down a sewer after falling through an uncovered manhole
Two-year-old girl tumbles 10 feet down a sewer after falling through an uncovered manhole
A huge hail storm appeared and in seconds hailstones began bombing the house. They crashed through the cement tiles, insulation, and ceiling through to the house. The ceiling in part of the house has collapsed and we have evacuated as we fear the whole roof will soon follow. Neighbors have experienced the same terrifying ordeal. We are so blessed that all of us are safe and that our three young children were not hit.
A huge hail storm appeared and in seconds hailstones began bombing the house. They crashed through the cement tiles, insulation, and ceiling through to the house. The ceiling in part of the house has collapsed and we have evacuated as we fear the whole roof will soon follow. Neighbors have experienced the same terrifying ordeal. We are so blessed that all of us are safe and that our three young children were not hit.
Leaving her with two black eyes and a broken nose
It was carrying a donated organ and all 3 on board received minor injuries.
It was carrying a donated organ and all 3 on board received minor injuries.
To maneuver large trucks successfully takes a lot of experience and we know that delicate maneuvers should be done calmly and wisely.
To maneuver large trucks successfully takes a lot of experience and we know that delicate maneuvers should be done calmly and wisely.
That was a nice car
WCGW catching a burning torch in your pants