Videos tagged with "art" - page 1

Carefully using gunpowder and igniting it to create art [VIDEO]

Some artists create intricate drawings or paintings by carefully igniting controlled explosions of gunpowder on a canvas. It's a unique form of pyrotechnic art.

Published 5 months ago VXV
Published 5 months ago VXV

Carefully using gunpowder and igniting it to create art [VIDEO]

Some artists create intricate drawings or paintings by carefully igniting controlled explosions of gunpowder on a canvas. It's a unique form of pyrotechnic art.

Girl with a Pearl Earring: under the Hirox 3D microscope - 10 billion pixel panorama!

The full scan has been made with the Hirox 3D Digital Microscope RH-2000 at the Mauritshuis in the Hague (NL) with the support of Abbie Vandivere during the technical examination "Girl in the Spotlight".

Published 11 months ago VXV
Published 11 months ago VXV

Girl with a Pearl Earring: under the Hirox 3D microscope - 10 billion pixel panorama!

The full scan has been made with the Hirox 3D Digital Microscope RH-2000 at the Mauritshuis in the Hague (NL) with the support of Abbie Vandivere during the technical examination "Girl in the Spotlight".