Videos tagged with "cat" - page 1

Woman breastfeeds her cat on a plane

This woman had one of those, like, hairless cats swaddled up in a blanket so it looked like a baby

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Woman breastfeeds her cat on a plane

This woman had one of those, like, hairless cats swaddled up in a blanket so it looked like a baby

For 3 years, she recorded the deaf cat's reactions to her homecoming

The kitty was rescued from a dumpster, but she is completely deaf, which is why she meows so vividly and loudly. If someone again on the Internet says that only dogs react like this, you can boldly show them this video.

Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123
Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123

For 3 years, she recorded the deaf cat's reactions to her homecoming

The kitty was rescued from a dumpster, but she is completely deaf, which is why she meows so vividly and loudly. If someone again on the Internet says that only dogs react like this, you can boldly show them this video.