Videos tagged with "interesting" - page 42

Hot lava vs two cans of Coca-Cola

Lava flow and two cans of Coca-Cola. The first can had a tiny hole punched in the top to prevent it from randomly exploding. I wanted to see if it would fountain as it heated up but, the can just sort of squirted coke.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Hot lava vs two cans of Coca-Cola

Lava flow and two cans of Coca-Cola. The first can had a tiny hole punched in the top to prevent it from randomly exploding. I wanted to see if it would fountain as it heated up but, the can just sort of squirted coke.

Have you ever seen an inverted aquarium?

Fish are used to swimming underwater, but one guy decided to build an inverted aquarium and give them a chance to look around. The fish gathered quickly and appeared to be enjoying the view from their new skyscraper.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Have you ever seen an inverted aquarium?

Fish are used to swimming underwater, but one guy decided to build an inverted aquarium and give them a chance to look around. The fish gathered quickly and appeared to be enjoying the view from their new skyscraper.