Videos tagged with "police" - page 1

High-speed chase after shoplifting suspect steals police car

The Lufkin Police Department in Texas released a video of a woman stealing one of its SUVs. After being arrested, she slipped her handcuffs off, got behind the wheel and drove away. That led to a high speed chase that reached 100 mph.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

High-speed chase after shoplifting suspect steals police car

The Lufkin Police Department in Texas released a video of a woman stealing one of its SUVs. After being arrested, she slipped her handcuffs off, got behind the wheel and drove away. That led to a high speed chase that reached 100 mph.

Stoned, he asks for a ride ... a police car

The beginning does not differ much from other scenarios where a person under the influence of drugs experiences his psychosis. However, after a police car drove up, the drug addict shocked with his behavior.

Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123
Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123

Stoned, he asks for a ride ... a police car

The beginning does not differ much from other scenarios where a person under the influence of drugs experiences his psychosis. However, after a police car drove up, the drug addict shocked with his behavior.

Unusual Lamborghini chase in Japan

Wondering what the police were driving? Watch a must-see! Samurai combativeness and ninja prowess are still going strong!

Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123
Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123

Unusual Lamborghini chase in Japan

Wondering what the police were driving? Watch a must-see! Samurai combativeness and ninja prowess are still going strong!

K9 in action, or police dog in pursuit of fugitives

The two men stole a car, which they abandoned during the chase and tried to flee on foot. That's when a dogged officer swung into action, effectively getting both thieves on their asses, as police report that a second man was caught in a similar manner after the action seen in the video.

Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123
Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123

K9 in action, or police dog in pursuit of fugitives

The two men stole a car, which they abandoned during the chase and tried to flee on foot. That's when a dogged officer swung into action, effectively getting both thieves on their asses, as police report that a second man was caught in a similar manner after the action seen in the video.

Ten-year-old brought to the ground by police officers

The policemen happened to be detaining his father, so the youngster had a right to be a bit stressed, but the behavior should not be excused by anything.

Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123
Published 1 year ago RickAndMorthy123

Ten-year-old brought to the ground by police officers

The policemen happened to be detaining his father, so the youngster had a right to be a bit stressed, but the behavior should not be excused by anything.

Norwegian Police Funniest Arrest Ever [VIDEO]

Because his face is blurred out I imagine him as a massive bearded viking man who traveled through time and is trying to get used to modern culture and customs

Published 2 months ago VXV
Published 2 months ago VXV

Norwegian Police Funniest Arrest Ever [VIDEO]

Because his face is blurred out I imagine him as a massive bearded viking man who traveled through time and is trying to get used to modern culture and customs