Videos tagged with "snake" - page 2

Snake trying to steal fisherman's catch

"A few weeks ago I was fishing at a friend’s pond. This snake was going up and down the bank in front of me, then it found my fish basket. It kept going underwater so I pulled out my phone and pulled in the basket."

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Snake trying to steal fisherman's catch

"A few weeks ago I was fishing at a friend’s pond. This snake was going up and down the bank in front of me, then it found my fish basket. It kept going underwater so I pulled out my phone and pulled in the basket."

A dog helps his owner who is afraid of a snake

During a walk with his dog, a man can no longer move forward because of a snake across the path. He's going to call his Doberman for help. The dog comes back, grabs the snake in its mouth and sends it waltz in the air several meters high. No more snake problems, the ride can continue.

Published 7 months ago VXV
Published 7 months ago VXV

A dog helps his owner who is afraid of a snake

During a walk with his dog, a man can no longer move forward because of a snake across the path. He's going to call his Doberman for help. The dog comes back, grabs the snake in its mouth and sends it waltz in the air several meters high. No more snake problems, the ride can continue.