Bizarre Japanese sport where men fight to get to the top of pole [VIDEO]

This is Botashi, the Japanese game played at sports days and by the National Defense Academy cadets where dozens of people scrum to knock a huge pole over to a 30 degree angle. The players use each other as springboards and kick offensive players away as they try to keep the pole upright. The game is played in primary schools though an increasing number of schools are banning it.

Published 1 year ago VXV

Bizarre Japanese sport where men fight to get to the top of pole [VIDEO]

This is Botashi, the Japanese game played at sports days and by the National Defense Academy cadets where dozens of people scrum to knock a huge pole over to a 30 degree angle. The players use each other as springboards and kick offensive players away as they try to keep the pole upright. The game is played in primary schools though an increasing number of schools are banning it.

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