Videos from the "Amazing" category - page 3

Man who donated blood every week for 60 years is estimated to have saved 2.4 million babies

The reason why he specifically saved 2.4 million was bc his blood contains a rare antibody used to create Anti-D injections, which prevent Rhesus disease in newborns. They called him the ‘Man with the Golden Arm’

Published 4 months ago VXV
Published 4 months ago VXV

Man who donated blood every week for 60 years is estimated to have saved 2.4 million babies

The reason why he specifically saved 2.4 million was bc his blood contains a rare antibody used to create Anti-D injections, which prevent Rhesus disease in newborns. They called him the ‘Man with the Golden Arm’

Big Waves at Lumahai Beach in Kauai [VIDEO]

Big surf hits Kauai in January... local kids play in the waves at Lumahai Beach. One person is swept out to sea and luckily rescued.

Published 4 months ago VXV
Published 4 months ago VXV

Big Waves at Lumahai Beach in Kauai [VIDEO]

Big surf hits Kauai in January... local kids play in the waves at Lumahai Beach. One person is swept out to sea and luckily rescued.

500k Gallon Backyard Pool - 29 Year Build - Coolest Thing I've Ever Made [VIDEO]

The ultimate backyard oasis, swimming pool and amazing aquascape. Micky's journey to building his 500,000 Gallon Pool in his own backyard started 29 years ago. Perhaps the largest homemade backyard pool in the world. Built over 29 years, first with a plastic liner, then a rubber one, and finally with spray on concrete, Micky has spared no expense making his dream of a massive pool come to life.

Published 4 months ago VXV
Published 4 months ago VXV

500k Gallon Backyard Pool - 29 Year Build - Coolest Thing I've Ever Made [VIDEO]

The ultimate backyard oasis, swimming pool and amazing aquascape. Micky's journey to building his 500,000 Gallon Pool in his own backyard started 29 years ago. Perhaps the largest homemade backyard pool in the world. Built over 29 years, first with a plastic liner, then a rubber one, and finally with spray on concrete, Micky has spared no expense making his dream of a massive pool come to life.

Description of category "Amazing"
