Videos from the "Amazing" category - page 41

A duck gets a prosthetic leg

A Duck name Waddles has a mangled left leg and his owner wants to better his quality of life by giving him a prosthetic leg.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

A duck gets a prosthetic leg

A Duck name Waddles has a mangled left leg and his owner wants to better his quality of life by giving him a prosthetic leg.

Man saves woman, dog seconds before car sinks

Swept up in the raging floodwaters around Baton Rouge, Louisiana, one woman and her dog found themselves rapidly sinking in her car with no way to escape. The small red convertible had the top up and they were trapped inside as it became engulfed in the fast-moving flood.

Just as the car was sucked under water, becoming submerged, a rescue worker reached the vehicle and dove into the water on the driver's side.

He shouted to the other rescuer, "Give me a knife, give me a knife," and quickly pried open the convertible as it sunk.

Only a few seconds later, he freed the driver and brought her to surface. As she gasped for air, the first words she said were, "Get my dog! Get my dog!"

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Man saves woman, dog seconds before car sinks

Swept up in the raging floodwaters around Baton Rouge, Louisiana, one woman and her dog found themselves rapidly sinking in her car with no way to escape. The small red convertible had the top up and they were trapped inside as it became engulfed in the fast-moving flood. Just as the car was sucked under water, becoming submerged, a rescue worker reached the vehicle and dove into the water on the driver's side. He shouted to the other rescuer, "Give me a knife, give me a knife," and quickl...

Amazing street artist from Suriname

In art classes, I would get a bad grade and attention: he fools around, does not use a brush, does not listen to directions, does not want to wash his hands of paint.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Amazing street artist from Suriname

In art classes, I would get a bad grade and attention: he fools around, does not use a brush, does not listen to directions, does not want to wash his hands of paint.

Description of category "Amazing"
