Videos from the "Amazing" category - page 44

Hidden studio suspended under a bridge by Fernando Abellanas

Self-taught designer Fernando Abellanas has installed a secret studio under a bridge in Valencia, Spain. A hand crank moves the wooden and metal base from one side of the bridge to the other where a shelf, chair, and desk have been bolted to the bridge’s concrete wall. When the base is rolled back, the chair and drafting table floats in midair that makes for a chilling sight if you happen to encounter this for the first time. The studio was conceived as a "refuge in the city" where movable walls encloses the tiny space, creating an environment that the designer compares to hiding out of sight as a child. Abellanas won't disclose the exact location of the studio for fear that it will be discovered. He states that the project is an ephemeral intervention and that it will remain until someone finds it and decides to steal the materials, or the authorities remove it.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Hidden studio suspended under a bridge by Fernando Abellanas

Self-taught designer Fernando Abellanas has installed a secret studio under a bridge in Valencia, Spain. A hand crank moves the wooden and metal base from one side of the bridge to the other where a shelf, chair, and desk have been bolted to the bridge’s concrete wall. When the base is rolled back, the chair and drafting table floats in midair that makes for a chilling sight if you happen to encounter this for the first time. The studio was conceived as a "refuge in the city" where movable walls...

Kayaking on the extremely narrow Rio Claro River

The rio Claro is a river that you can only truly appreciate its glory, and many sections are only possible to access, by kayaking it. It is about as narrow, and committing as kayaking gets.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Kayaking on the extremely narrow Rio Claro River

The rio Claro is a river that you can only truly appreciate its glory, and many sections are only possible to access, by kayaking it. It is about as narrow, and committing as kayaking gets.

This train passes through residential building in China!

Your eyes are not deceiving you. The train passes through a residential building in southwest China's Chongqing, known as the 'Mountain City'!

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

This train passes through residential building in China!

Your eyes are not deceiving you. The train passes through a residential building in southwest China's Chongqing, known as the 'Mountain City'!

Description of category "Amazing"
