Videos from the "Animals" category - page 58

Florida man wrestles puppy from jaws of alligator

In a dramatic encounter recorded by surveillance cameras, a Florida man chased an alligator under water and rescued his 3-month-old puppy from the jaws of death.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Florida man wrestles puppy from jaws of alligator

In a dramatic encounter recorded by surveillance cameras, a Florida man chased an alligator under water and rescued his 3-month-old puppy from the jaws of death.

Patient Security Guard Escorts Stray Dog From Mall

Though this dog entered the mall premises unnoticed, he was not treated harshly when sent back outside, instead the guard escorted him like he was their pet.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Patient Security Guard Escorts Stray Dog From Mall

Though this dog entered the mall premises unnoticed, he was not treated harshly when sent back outside, instead the guard escorted him like he was their pet.

Description of category "Animals"
