Videos from the "Idiots" category - page 35

Amphibious excavator sinks, overturns, as operator clings to the tracks

Beyond the horror of sinking a very expensive machine, this operator now has to pull off some pretty complicated footwork to not go down with the exavcator.

Published 2 years ago VXV
Published 2 years ago VXV

Amphibious excavator sinks, overturns, as operator clings to the tracks

Beyond the horror of sinking a very expensive machine, this operator now has to pull off some pretty complicated footwork to not go down with the exavcator.

Stoned, he asks for a ride ... a police car

The beginning does not differ much from other scenarios where a person under the influence of drugs experiences his psychosis. However, after a police car drove up, the drug addict shocked with his behavior.

Published 2 years ago RickAndMorthy123
Published 2 years ago RickAndMorthy123

Stoned, he asks for a ride ... a police car

The beginning does not differ much from other scenarios where a person under the influence of drugs experiences his psychosis. However, after a police car drove up, the drug addict shocked with his behavior.

Description of category "Idiots"
