Videos from the "Interesting" category - page 82

Cynthia weil's WTC 9/11 footage (Enhanced Quality & Doubled FPS)

0:00:00 - 1st short take starting at 8:50:22am. WTC 1 (North Tower) already burning.

0:00:04 - 2nd short take starting at 8:50:31am.

0:00:28 - 1st long continuous take starting at 8:53:10am. Camera is mostly stable.

0:05:15 - Good view on the impact floors of WTC 1. Some people can be seen falling along the east face of the building.

0:10:17 - 2nd plane hits WTC 2 (South Tower) off-camera at 9:02:59am. Some smoke and flame expulsions can be observed on WTC 1.

0:59:17 - WTC 2 starts to collapse at 9:58:59am.

1:19:06 - Large pressure pulse pushes smoke out of lower impact floors of WTC 1, epsecially from floor 92 at north face.

1:28:41 - Destruction of WTC 1 begins at 10:28:22am.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Cynthia weil's WTC 9/11 footage (Enhanced Quality & Doubled FPS)

0:00:00 - 1st short take starting at 8:50:22am. WTC 1 (North Tower) already burning. 0:00:04 - 2nd short take starting at 8:50:31am. 0:00:28 - 1st long continuous take starting at 8:53:10am. Camera is mostly stable. 0:05:15 - Good view on the impact floors of WTC 1. Some people can be seen falling along the east face of the building. 0:10:17 - 2nd plane hits WTC 2 (South Tower) off-camera at 9:02:59am. Some smoke and flame expulsions can be observed on WTC 1. 0:59:17 - WTC 2 start...

Climbers rope in chipper accident simulation

This demonstration was performed at an WCISA safety seminar at Cal-line's Livermore location.
The machine in this video is not equipped with bandits rope / cable shear. Effective spring of 2012 all new bandit drum models have this safety feature standard equipment. We can update your older unit and add this safety device. This video is an example of lost communication between climber and groundmen.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Climbers rope in chipper accident simulation

This demonstration was performed at an WCISA safety seminar at Cal-line's Livermore location. The machine in this video is not equipped with bandits rope / cable shear. Effective spring of 2012 all new bandit drum models have this safety feature standard equipment. We can update your older unit and add this safety device. This video is an example of lost communication between climber and groundmen.

Description of category "Interesting"
