Chicagoland Gangster Bulletproof Cadillac from the 1930s [VIDEO]

The Coolest 1930's Gangster Era Thing I've Ever Seen. This is a 1932 Gangsterland Era Bulletproof Cadillac equipped with port holes for machine gun use. I've never seen anything quite like this and upon research, very few of these exist today. Join me today as we turn back the clocks to the 1930's and take a look at this historic and fascinating car at Historic Auto Attractions museum in Roscoe, Illinois.

Published 7 months ago VXV

Chicagoland Gangster Bulletproof Cadillac from the 1930s [VIDEO]

The Coolest 1930's Gangster Era Thing I've Ever Seen. This is a 1932 Gangsterland Era Bulletproof Cadillac equipped with port holes for machine gun use. I've never seen anything quite like this and upon research, very few of these exist today. Join me today as we turn back the clocks to the 1930's and take a look at this historic and fascinating car at Historic Auto Attractions museum in Roscoe, Illinois.

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