Crazy footage from 1987 shows SeaWorld trainer John Sillick being body slammed by a huge orca

Nov. 21, 1987: Trainer John Sillick, 26, is seriously injured when a 12,000-pound killer whale lands on him during a show. He suffers a fractured pelvis, femur and ribs. The trainer was performing in a pool with two whales when the accident occurred.

Published 6 months ago VXV

Crazy footage from 1987 shows SeaWorld trainer John Sillick being body slammed by a huge orca

Nov. 21, 1987: Trainer John Sillick, 26, is seriously injured when a 12,000-pound killer whale lands on him during a show. He suffers a fractured pelvis, femur and ribs. The trainer was performing in a pool with two whales when the accident occurred.

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