Gas pump worker douses cigarette and stubborn smoker with fire extinguisher

A surveillance footage has shown the unexpected moment an attendant at a gas pump in Bulgaria's capital, Sofia, sprayed a smoker with a fire extinguisher. It was reported that the worker had asked the young man to put off his cigarette multiple times, but to no avail. Soon, a white cloud encircled the man and the vehicle. The move might look drastic, but fuel and flames are a recipe for disaster.

Published 1 year ago VXV

Gas pump worker douses cigarette and stubborn smoker with fire extinguisher

A surveillance footage has shown the unexpected moment an attendant at a gas pump in Bulgaria's capital, Sofia, sprayed a smoker with a fire extinguisher. It was reported that the worker had asked the young man to put off his cigarette multiple times, but to no avail. Soon, a white cloud encircled the man and the vehicle. The move might look drastic, but fuel and flames are a recipe for disaster.

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