Posiva Oy animation of The Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel [VIDEO]

With climate friendly nuclear electricity used to heat homes and provide light, the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel needs to be implemented in a responsible manner throughout its life cycle. The responsible solution for final disposal provided by Posiva makes the production of climate friendly nuclear electricity possible. We will be the first in the world to start the safe final disposal of spent fuel in the Onkalo® facility excavated deep in the bedrock. The determined development efforts of our Finnish top experts build the rock hard foundation of industrial final disposal – literally. Solutions based on sustainable development are needed in the present age. We export our competence in final disposal all over the world. We work responsibly, from rock to rock.
Posiva rocks.

Published 1 year ago VXV

Posiva Oy animation of The Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel [VIDEO]

With climate friendly nuclear electricity used to heat homes and provide light, the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel needs to be implemented in a responsible manner throughout its life cycle. The responsible solution for final disposal provided by Posiva makes the production of climate friendly nuclear electricity possible. We will be the first in the world to start the safe final disposal of spent fuel in the Onkalo® facility excavated deep in the bedrock. The determined development efforts of our Finnish top experts build the rock hard foundation of industrial final disposal – literally. Solutions based on sustainable development are needed in the present age. We export our competence in final disposal all over the world. We work responsibly, from rock to rock.
Posiva rocks.

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