Slambang shotgun - golden gun edition

"My first ever welding project was starting to rust in the garage, so I decided to practice cold bluing on the barrel. I thought gold spray paint on the receiver would bring the whole thing together. The thing only weighs a couple pounds, so it is a real pain even with target loads. I'll have a bruise tomorrow.
No idea why Youtube started recommending this to people; it's not a very good gun or video."

Published 1 year ago VXV

Slambang shotgun - golden gun edition

"My first ever welding project was starting to rust in the garage, so I decided to practice cold bluing on the barrel. I thought gold spray paint on the receiver would bring the whole thing together. The thing only weighs a couple pounds, so it is a real pain even with target loads. I'll have a bruise tomorrow.
No idea why Youtube started recommending this to people; it's not a very good gun or video."

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