Videos tagged with "attack" - page 6

Octopus attacks and eats seagull

The octopus was being attacked by the seagull until the octopus got the better of the seagull. All octopus carry a venom in their razor sharp beak to paralyse their prey.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Octopus attacks and eats seagull

The octopus was being attacked by the seagull until the octopus got the better of the seagull. All octopus carry a venom in their razor sharp beak to paralyse their prey.

The diver had a panic attack and took off his mask 15 meters under water

Deaths from panic attacks are more common than we think among divers . In a second you can change everything .. The woman accidentally spits its regulatory and gives a panic attack at 15 meters deep.

Published 2 years ago VXV
Published 2 years ago VXV

The diver had a panic attack and took off his mask 15 meters under water

Deaths from panic attacks are more common than we think among divers . In a second you can change everything .. The woman accidentally spits its regulatory and gives a panic attack at 15 meters deep.