Videos tagged with "bird" - page 3

In America they have disney princess singing to birds. In Russia they have this this guy

For anyone wondering, the bird in the video is a Capercallie. They are known to be highly aggresive and territorial. However, the mighty Russian seems to have tamed him.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

In America they have disney princess singing to birds. In Russia they have this this guy

For anyone wondering, the bird in the video is a Capercallie. They are known to be highly aggresive and territorial. However, the mighty Russian seems to have tamed him.

Bird gang attacks snake

A cool technique they have is that they don't attack from the front, but always from behind, possibly from above. I wonder if it's instinct or trained behavior.

Published 2 years ago RickAndMorthy123
Published 2 years ago RickAndMorthy123

Bird gang attacks snake

A cool technique they have is that they don't attack from the front, but always from behind, possibly from above. I wonder if it's instinct or trained behavior.