Videos tagged with "birthday"

He was trying hard to keep his soul from leaving [VIDEO]

His brain vs his body
Body: run!! get out of there!!
Brain: wait, wait. Stay cool, stay cool, if you run it'll chance you

Published 7 months ago VXV
Published 7 months ago VXV

He was trying hard to keep his soul from leaving [VIDEO]

His brain vs his body Body: run!! get out of there!! Brain: wait, wait. Stay cool, stay cool, if you run it'll chance you

Friendly Goose: Scoop, 26 years old-Best Buddy

First Update: Scoop (aka Scooper) Goose is 26 years old as of May 15, 2016, the date of this recording, and he still has his honk. This video is a celebration and acknowledgement of his accomplishment...he deserves it.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Friendly Goose: Scoop, 26 years old-Best Buddy

First Update: Scoop (aka Scooper) Goose is 26 years old as of May 15, 2016, the date of this recording, and he still has his honk. This video is a celebration and acknowledgement of his accomplishment...he deserves it.