Videos tagged with "christmas"

Christmas Tree Fire Turns Devastating and Deadly Within Seconds [VIDEO]

A live Christmas tree burn shows just how quickly a dried-out Christmas tree burns, with flashover occurring in less than one minute, as compared to a well-watered tree, which burns at a much slower rate. Take care to water your tree, so that it doesn’t become a fire hazard.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Christmas Tree Fire Turns Devastating and Deadly Within Seconds [VIDEO]

A live Christmas tree burn shows just how quickly a dried-out Christmas tree burns, with flashover occurring in less than one minute, as compared to a well-watered tree, which burns at a much slower rate. Take care to water your tree, so that it doesn’t become a fire hazard.

Christmas Day! | Mr. Bean [VIDEO]

This is a Scene from "Merry Christmas Mr. Bean" When he is in the Shop playing with all of the toys and doing actions to go with the Nativity scene.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Christmas Day! | Mr. Bean [VIDEO]

This is a Scene from "Merry Christmas Mr. Bean" When he is in the Shop playing with all of the toys and doing actions to go with the Nativity scene.