Videos tagged with "death"

Brit base jumper plunges to death from 29-storey tower as parachute fails during stunt in Thailand

A BRITISH base-jumper has tragically died, plunging 29 floors to his death after his parachute failed to open.

Nathy Odinson, 33, of Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire is said to have climbed to the top of an apartment building in Eastern Thailand on Saturday night.

Published 11 months ago VXV
Published 11 months ago VXV

Brit base jumper plunges to death from 29-storey tower as parachute fails during stunt in Thailand

A BRITISH base-jumper has tragically died, plunging 29 floors to his death after his parachute failed to open. Nathy Odinson, 33, of Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire is said to have climbed to the top of an apartment building in Eastern Thailand on Saturday night.

They call it the Cave of Death [VIDEO]

It is a 'custom' in the southern portions of Africa (and maybe beyond) to build your beds/sleeping platforms out of bricks. The tradition revolves around the 'tokolosh', which is a folklore legendary monster that creates trouble and 'takes people away' at night if they sleep on the floor. Bricks/rocks elevate you high enough that he can't reach you.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

They call it the Cave of Death [VIDEO]

It is a 'custom' in the southern portions of Africa (and maybe beyond) to build your beds/sleeping platforms out of bricks. The tradition revolves around the 'tokolosh', which is a folklore legendary monster that creates trouble and 'takes people away' at night if they sleep on the floor. Bricks/rocks elevate you high enough that he can't reach you.