Videos tagged with "gas"

Gas leak mistaken as fog [VIDEO]

Fourteen buildings and several cars were damaged by the explosion and subsequent fire. Approximately 25 residents from nearby areas have been evacuated.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Gas leak mistaken as fog [VIDEO]

Fourteen buildings and several cars were damaged by the explosion and subsequent fire. Approximately 25 residents from nearby areas have been evacuated.

Hamas terrorist trying to break the door of a gas station with his gun [VIDEO]

The Hamas tried to break into the gas station and looked for the next victims but couldn't get in. You can tell that they're not trained or professional. They were picked up off the street and gave them the guns to kill Israeli

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Hamas terrorist trying to break the door of a gas station with his gun [VIDEO]

The Hamas tried to break into the gas station and looked for the next victims but couldn't get in. You can tell that they're not trained or professional. They were picked up off the street and gave them the guns to kill Israeli