Videos tagged with "human"

A Social Test-Prank to see what the average citizen would do... [VIDEO]

Those young men just proved there are still good people out there who care about others.

The ladies perhaps were afraid to confront the man, but they could have at least called for nearby help in that regard.

Published 8 months ago VXV
Published 8 months ago VXV

A Social Test-Prank to see what the average citizen would do... [VIDEO]

Those young men just proved there are still good people out there who care about others. The ladies perhaps were afraid to confront the man, but they could have at least called for nearby help in that regard.

The freshest drinking water on the planet [VIDEO]

Drinking water directly from glaciers is not recommended due to potential risks.

Glacial meltwater may contain harmful microorganisms, sediments, minerals, and chemical pollutants that can cause health issues.

Moreover, the extremely cold temperature of glacier water can lead to rapid diuresis, increasing the risk of dehydration.

If glacier water must be used, it is crucial to treat it through boiling, filtration, or purification to ensure it is safe for consumption.

Published 9 months ago VXV
Published 9 months ago VXV

The freshest drinking water on the planet [VIDEO]

Drinking water directly from glaciers is not recommended due to potential risks. Glacial meltwater may contain harmful microorganisms, sediments, minerals, and chemical pollutants that can cause health issues. Moreover, the extremely cold temperature of glacier water can lead to rapid diuresis, increasing the risk of dehydration. If glacier water must be used, it is crucial to treat it through boiling, filtration, or purification to ensure it is safe for consumption.