Extremely fast tether car with 10cc engine hits 330 km/h (205 mph)!
On top speed tether cars can exert a force over 100 Gs!
Extremely fast tether car with 10cc engine hits 330 km/h (205 mph)! On top speed tether cars can exert a force over 100 Gs!
Darker than Vanta Black?
I've shown you what happens when Super cars go off roading.
An amazing demonstration of driver skills.
A very important moment in the life of this car
They should do something like that in every car.
This is what happens when a truck hits a passenger car in the sandwich with another truck. Please not, the truck is only driving 43 km/h!
This is what happens when a truck hits a passenger car in the sandwich with another truck. Please not, the truck is only driving 43 km/h!