The driver lost patience
Excuse me - are they making a movie here? No, it's just Russia. There, such actions are everyday life.
Excuse me - are they making a movie here? No, it's just Russia. There, such actions are everyday life.
Desperate small car trying to park in this big sized parking space. Really happend in Dortmund, Germany. I know it's 6 Minutes long but it's worth watching it to the end.
Desperate small car trying to park in this big sized parking space. Really happend in Dortmund, Germany. I know it's 6 Minutes long but it's worth watching it to the end.
A trike owner is forced to move a parked car with his bare hands after the vehicle boxed him in and its owner was nowhere to be found.
A trike owner is forced to move a parked car with his bare hands after the vehicle boxed him in and its owner was nowhere to be found.
Some people will never be good drivers
How to forget about the child