"I hear on the CB radio of a traffic problem ahead and then I look a the traffic maps to see I have no upcoming exits and look for another way out."
"I hear on the CB radio of a traffic problem ahead and then I look a the traffic maps to see I have no upcoming exits and look for another way out."
Dangerous accident in Moscow
Fast resolution of traffic jam
The male ending of a road brawl
It was enough to dress more appropriately for the workplace.
Desperate small car trying to park in this big sized parking space. Really happend in Dortmund, Germany. I know it's 6 Minutes long but it's worth watching it to the end.
Desperate small car trying to park in this big sized parking space. Really happend in Dortmund, Germany. I know it's 6 Minutes long but it's worth watching it to the end.
People were afraid to leave the house
A warning to others