Videos tagged with "reaction" - page 8

Grandpa sees colors for the first time in his life

The reaction of an old man who, at 66, receives special glasses from his grandchildren that allow him to see the world as people without daltonism see it

Published 2 years ago RickAndMorthy123
Published 2 years ago RickAndMorthy123

Grandpa sees colors for the first time in his life

The reaction of an old man who, at 66, receives special glasses from his grandchildren that allow him to see the world as people without daltonism see it

Husband learns he is going to have triplets

The couple, who already have two children, are now expecting triplets. The wife recorded her husband's reaction to the news.

Published 2 years ago RickAndMorthy123
Published 2 years ago RickAndMorthy123

Husband learns he is going to have triplets

The couple, who already have two children, are now expecting triplets. The wife recorded her husband's reaction to the news.