Videos tagged with "sea"

When shipping containers are lost at sea [VIDEO]

The World Shipping Council (WSC) reported that an average of 1,382 containers are lost at sea each year. The figure is based on three-year averages calculated over 12 years, representing 80% of the global vessel container capacity. This was up until 2019.

Published 6 months ago VXV
Published 6 months ago VXV

When shipping containers are lost at sea [VIDEO]

The World Shipping Council (WSC) reported that an average of 1,382 containers are lost at sea each year. The figure is based on three-year averages calculated over 12 years, representing 80% of the global vessel container capacity. This was up until 2019.

Container on open sea, what inside?  [WIDEO]

A cargo container was found floating at sea, after cutting it open they found it filled with several million dollars worth of cigarettes

Published 9 months ago VXV
Published 9 months ago VXV

Container on open sea, what inside? [WIDEO]

A cargo container was found floating at sea, after cutting it open they found it filled with several million dollars worth of cigarettes

Girl Makes Dolphin Laugh [VIDEO]

A human doing tricks for a dolphin! Girl does some random tumbling and gets the best surprise fan.

Published 9 months ago VXV
Published 9 months ago VXV

Girl Makes Dolphin Laugh [VIDEO]

A human doing tricks for a dolphin! Girl does some random tumbling and gets the best surprise fan.

Australian man admits ‘surfing’ dead whale was bad idea [VIDEO]

26 year-old Australian Harrison Williams jumps onto whale carcass as two great white sharks circle. Friends nearby had to help Williams off the rotting whale to avoid the sharks.

Published 10 months ago VXV
Published 10 months ago VXV

Australian man admits ‘surfing’ dead whale was bad idea [VIDEO]

26 year-old Australian Harrison Williams jumps onto whale carcass as two great white sharks circle. Friends nearby had to help Williams off the rotting whale to avoid the sharks.