Videos tagged with "seat"

Stubborn Husky refuses to give up front seat [VIDEO]

Zeus the Stubborn Husky did NOT want to move to the back seat of the car since he felt he called dibs on the front seat.

Published 6 months ago VXV
Published 6 months ago VXV

Stubborn Husky refuses to give up front seat [VIDEO]

Zeus the Stubborn Husky did NOT want to move to the back seat of the car since he felt he called dibs on the front seat.

Girl licking airplane toilet seat

Despite bathrooms on board being disinfected overnight and in between long flights, at least 50 people use the same bathroom a trip, and people generally feel the need to use it, on average, 2.4 times a flight.

Published 2 years ago VXV
Published 2 years ago VXV

Girl licking airplane toilet seat

Despite bathrooms on board being disinfected overnight and in between long flights, at least 50 people use the same bathroom a trip, and people generally feel the need to use it, on average, 2.4 times a flight.