Videos tagged with "sound"

The sound you dont want to hear [VIDEO]

The moral of this story is: If you're hosting a party and don't have a radio, drop a stone in a turbine engine.

Published 11 months ago VXV
Published 11 months ago VXV

The sound you dont want to hear [VIDEO]

The moral of this story is: If you're hosting a party and don't have a radio, drop a stone in a turbine engine.

The sound of the mountains[VIDEO]

It's called kulning. Women used to use it to speak to each other in different villages because the sound travelled farther. It is also used to call in cows in Sweden.

Published 11 months ago VXV
Published 11 months ago VXV

The sound of the mountains[VIDEO]

It's called kulning. Women used to use it to speak to each other in different villages because the sound travelled farther. It is also used to call in cows in Sweden.