Videos tagged with "traffic" - page 1

Dashcam Norway - Semi truck narrowly missing kids [VIDEO]

The truck was equipped with Volvo's emergency braking system, but Volvo's own engineers have concluded that it was the driver, not the computers who saved the kids life.

Published 6 months ago VXV
Published 6 months ago VXV

Dashcam Norway - Semi truck narrowly missing kids [VIDEO]

The truck was equipped with Volvo's emergency braking system, but Volvo's own engineers have concluded that it was the driver, not the computers who saved the kids life.

Truck Driver Finds a Way Out of a Traffic Problem

"I hear on the CB radio of a traffic problem ahead and then I look a the traffic maps to see I have no upcoming exits and look for another way out."

Published 8 months ago VXV
Published 8 months ago VXV

Truck Driver Finds a Way Out of a Traffic Problem

"I hear on the CB radio of a traffic problem ahead and then I look a the traffic maps to see I have no upcoming exits and look for another way out."