Videos tagged with "tree"

Man shows how NOT to cut a tree [VIDEO]

WHOA! A Redlands tree trimmer is seen in this viral video holding on for dear life as a palm tree takes him for a wild ride.

Published 3 months ago VXV
Published 3 months ago VXV

Man shows how NOT to cut a tree [VIDEO]

WHOA! A Redlands tree trimmer is seen in this viral video holding on for dear life as a palm tree takes him for a wild ride.

Awesome tree Felling technique [VIDEO]

Old loggers Felling technique used to keep trees on the stumps when being dropped. Great technique for felling trees on steep slopes or near houses.

Published 3 months ago VXV
Published 3 months ago VXV

Awesome tree Felling technique [VIDEO]

Old loggers Felling technique used to keep trees on the stumps when being dropped. Great technique for felling trees on steep slopes or near houses.

Christmas Tree Fire Turns Devastating and Deadly Within Seconds [VIDEO]

A live Christmas tree burn shows just how quickly a dried-out Christmas tree burns, with flashover occurring in less than one minute, as compared to a well-watered tree, which burns at a much slower rate. Take care to water your tree, so that it doesn’t become a fire hazard.

Published 3 months ago VXV
Published 3 months ago VXV

Christmas Tree Fire Turns Devastating and Deadly Within Seconds [VIDEO]

A live Christmas tree burn shows just how quickly a dried-out Christmas tree burns, with flashover occurring in less than one minute, as compared to a well-watered tree, which burns at a much slower rate. Take care to water your tree, so that it doesn’t become a fire hazard.