Videos tagged with "trick"

The best party trick! [VIDEO]

The "witch" only pretends to lift on the 1st attempt, which causes the mass to unbalance towards one person, making it very difficult to lift as they get over 1/2 the mass. On the 2nd attempt, the "witch" lifts evenly, so they all carry just 1/4 of the mass.

Published 7 months ago VXV
Published 7 months ago VXV

The best party trick! [VIDEO]

The "witch" only pretends to lift on the 1st attempt, which causes the mass to unbalance towards one person, making it very difficult to lift as they get over 1/2 the mass. On the 2nd attempt, the "witch" lifts evenly, so they all carry just 1/4 of the mass.

An incredible trick by Dylan Levitt [VIDEO]

In this video, Dylan Levitt reveals an unbelieveable trick that you can use to improve your bike riding skills.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

An incredible trick by Dylan Levitt [VIDEO]

In this video, Dylan Levitt reveals an unbelieveable trick that you can use to improve your bike riding skills.