Videos tagged with "zoo" - page 1

A baby rhinoceros plays with its keeper at the zoo

Savannah the rhino calf plays with zookeeper Thomas at GIVSKUD ZOO. Fun is not just fun. By interacting with the animal, the zookeeper builds trust, which helps with day-to-day management.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

A baby rhinoceros plays with its keeper at the zoo

Savannah the rhino calf plays with zookeeper Thomas at GIVSKUD ZOO. Fun is not just fun. By interacting with the animal, the zookeeper builds trust, which helps with day-to-day management.

Chameleon Changing Color

A Chameleon changes color out in the wild of Madagascar. This lizard walks along a branch and sticks out his tongue, changing from red to pink to green to yellow and blue. A master of camouflage when it wants to be unseen and a bright beacon of showmanship when its courting a partner or fighting off a rival.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Chameleon Changing Color

A Chameleon changes color out in the wild of Madagascar. This lizard walks along a branch and sticks out his tongue, changing from red to pink to green to yellow and blue. A master of camouflage when it wants to be unseen and a bright beacon of showmanship when its courting a partner or fighting off a rival.

Monkey see, monkey do

Chimp use broom left by zoo keeper to sweep after seeing zoo keeper clean the area everyday for 6 years

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Monkey see, monkey do

Chimp use broom left by zoo keeper to sweep after seeing zoo keeper clean the area everyday for 6 years