Indian businessman Vivek Kumar Rungta gifted his son a Lamborghini Huracan STO on his 18th birthday. The lavish gift was presented to Tarush Rungta back in March, but a video of the youngster with his new sports car has started going viral online only recently.30
Indian businessman Vivek Kumar Rungta gifted his son a Lamborghini Huracan STO on his 18th birthday. The lavish gift was presented to Tarush Rungta back in March, but a video of the youngster with his new sports car has started going viral online only recently.30
The camera loves her and she seems very charismatic.
So his friends started sending him fake transaction textsđ
That cow was like when the calf went over " What the...."
Her boyfriend agreed with him HAHAH
Surveillance footage shows bystanders working to rescue a girl after waves knock her into the water at Ilfracombe Harbour, a tourist destination in southwest England.
Surveillance footage shows bystanders working to rescue a girl after waves knock her into the water at Ilfracombe Harbour, a tourist destination in southwest England.
Fire crews were called to Sutton station after an e-bike burst into flames on the platform.
The e-bike had been bought four months prior on an online, lif
Fire crews were called to Sutton station after an e-bike burst into flames on the platform. The e-bike had been bought four months prior on an online, lif
Working Smarter, Not Harder
Despite being this massive,itâs only half the size of a blue whale.
1 year ago
She committed suicide not long after this video went viral.