- The best videos from around the internet - page 399

Russian frostbitten cat gets new 3D printed titanium paws

A Siberian, named Dymka, has been fitted with 3D-printed prosthetic legs after it lost all four of her paws to frostbite two years ago.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Russian frostbitten cat gets new 3D printed titanium paws

A Siberian, named Dymka, has been fitted with 3D-printed prosthetic legs after it lost all four of her paws to frostbite two years ago.

Woman buries diaper at beach

A tourist was filmed burying what looks to be a used diaper at a beach on Boracay in the Philippines. A section of the beach was closed, before the authorities recovered the buried diaper, reports said.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Woman buries diaper at beach

A tourist was filmed burying what looks to be a used diaper at a beach on Boracay in the Philippines. A section of the beach was closed, before the authorities recovered the buried diaper, reports said.