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Walking NYC : Rainy friday night from Times Square to Greenwich Village

"I take a walk on a Friday evening in the rain from Times Square to Greenwich Village via Broadway and 7th Avenue. If it wasn't for the rain, there would be many more people out. However, I was surprised that there were so many tourists out in the Times Square area. Herald Square was also busy, but the activity didn't pick up until I passed the 14th Street vicinity."

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Walking NYC : Rainy friday night from Times Square to Greenwich Village

"I take a walk on a Friday evening in the rain from Times Square to Greenwich Village via Broadway and 7th Avenue. If it wasn't for the rain, there would be many more people out. However, I was surprised that there were so many tourists out in the Times Square area. Herald Square was also busy, but the activity didn't pick up until I passed the 14th Street vicinity."