- The best videos from around the internet - page 9

The difference between our FedEx and USPS deliveries today.

This is not an advertisement or an endorsement of one company over another. This is simply showing different approaches to deliveries that happened about 25 minutes apart. There was no damage to the contents of the dropped box. There are great employees at every company and sometimes people are simply having a bad day.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

The difference between our FedEx and USPS deliveries today.

This is not an advertisement or an endorsement of one company over another. This is simply showing different approaches to deliveries that happened about 25 minutes apart. There was no damage to the contents of the dropped box. There are great employees at every company and sometimes people are simply having a bad day.

Climbers rope in chipper accident simulation

This demonstration was performed at an WCISA safety seminar at Cal-line's Livermore location.
The machine in this video is not equipped with bandits rope / cable shear. Effective spring of 2012 all new bandit drum models have this safety feature standard equipment. We can update your older unit and add this safety device. This video is an example of lost communication between climber and groundmen.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Climbers rope in chipper accident simulation

This demonstration was performed at an WCISA safety seminar at Cal-line's Livermore location. The machine in this video is not equipped with bandits rope / cable shear. Effective spring of 2012 all new bandit drum models have this safety feature standard equipment. We can update your older unit and add this safety device. This video is an example of lost communication between climber and groundmen.

Girl licking airplane toilet seat

Despite bathrooms on board being disinfected overnight and in between long flights, at least 50 people use the same bathroom a trip, and people generally feel the need to use it, on average, 2.4 times a flight.

Published 1 year ago VXV
Published 1 year ago VXV

Girl licking airplane toilet seat

Despite bathrooms on board being disinfected overnight and in between long flights, at least 50 people use the same bathroom a trip, and people generally feel the need to use it, on average, 2.4 times a flight.