- The best videos from around the internet - page 196

Dude cracks egg on Australian politician’s head [VIDEO]

Right wing politician Fraser Anning had an egg cracked on his head after he blamed the New Zealand mosque attack on Muslim immigration.

Published 3 months ago VXV
Published 3 months ago VXV

Dude cracks egg on Australian politician’s head [VIDEO]

Right wing politician Fraser Anning had an egg cracked on his head after he blamed the New Zealand mosque attack on Muslim immigration.

WARR Hyperloop reaches 324 km/h during the second SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition [VIDEO]

Even though Elon Musk tweeted it first, here's the run of the WARR Hyperloop Team on the second SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition. We maxed out at 324 km/h (202 mph) and are incredibly excited to have won the title of fastest pod!

Published 3 months ago VXV
Published 3 months ago VXV

WARR Hyperloop reaches 324 km/h during the second SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition [VIDEO]

Even though Elon Musk tweeted it first, here's the run of the WARR Hyperloop Team on the second SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition. We maxed out at 324 km/h (202 mph) and are incredibly excited to have won the title of fastest pod!