- The best videos from around the internet - page 68

Windmill destructed in storm [VIDEO]

Windmill in Djursland, Denmark is destructed. The safety breaker has a malfunction and the storm makes the wings spin at a tremendous speed. Finally it brakes apart and the tower collapse

Published 6 months ago VXV
Published 6 months ago VXV

Windmill destructed in storm [VIDEO]

Windmill in Djursland, Denmark is destructed. The safety breaker has a malfunction and the storm makes the wings spin at a tremendous speed. Finally it brakes apart and the tower collapse

Australian man admits ‘surfing’ dead whale was bad idea [VIDEO]

26 year-old Australian Harrison Williams jumps onto whale carcass as two great white sharks circle. Friends nearby had to help Williams off the rotting whale to avoid the sharks.

Published 3 months ago VXV
Published 3 months ago VXV

Australian man admits ‘surfing’ dead whale was bad idea [VIDEO]

26 year-old Australian Harrison Williams jumps onto whale carcass as two great white sharks circle. Friends nearby had to help Williams off the rotting whale to avoid the sharks.