- The best videos from around the internet - page 145

Adobe unveils interactive dress that changes colors and patterns [VIDEO]

The future of fashion is here! Check out this interactive dress that can change patterns. It was introduced at the Adobe Max 2023 conference in L.A.

Published 5 months ago VXV
Published 5 months ago VXV

Adobe unveils interactive dress that changes colors and patterns [VIDEO]

The future of fashion is here! Check out this interactive dress that can change patterns. It was introduced at the Adobe Max 2023 conference in L.A.

Neighbor saves 6-year-old from pit bull attack [VIDEO]

"Jillian Lindeman’s six-year-old son, Mason and two neighbors were playing in the driveway of his Conroe home, Sunday, when a pit bull attacked him.
19-year-old Grant Brown could hear the boy’s screams from the teen’s house a few doors down."

Published 5 months ago VXV
Published 5 months ago VXV

Neighbor saves 6-year-old from pit bull attack [VIDEO]

"Jillian Lindeman’s six-year-old son, Mason and two neighbors were playing in the driveway of his Conroe home, Sunday, when a pit bull attacked him. 19-year-old Grant Brown could hear the boy’s screams from the teen’s house a few doors down."

Dashcam Norway - Semi truck narrowly missing kids [VIDEO]

The truck was equipped with Volvo's emergency braking system, but Volvo's own engineers have concluded that it was the driver, not the computers who saved the kids life.

Published 5 months ago VXV
Published 5 months ago VXV

Dashcam Norway - Semi truck narrowly missing kids [VIDEO]

The truck was equipped with Volvo's emergency braking system, but Volvo's own engineers have concluded that it was the driver, not the computers who saved the kids life.

Woman Pushing Her Grandmother From A Train Platform [VIDEO]

Grandmother was left paralyzed from the fall and remains in hospital. She is expect to spend the remainder of her life in a wheelchair.

Published 5 months ago VXV
Published 5 months ago VXV

Woman Pushing Her Grandmother From A Train Platform [VIDEO]

Grandmother was left paralyzed from the fall and remains in hospital. She is expect to spend the remainder of her life in a wheelchair.