- The best videos from around the internet - page 1

It is very dangerous to leave our children out of sight even for a second [VIDEO]

This is so brutally scary! No one is doing anything seeing that…everyone is in some hurry until this happens to them one day! Such selfish is the society these days

Published 40 minutes ago VXV
Published 40 minutes ago VXV

It is very dangerous to leave our children out of sight even for a second [VIDEO]

This is so brutally scary! No one is doing anything seeing that…everyone is in some hurry until this happens to them one day! Such selfish is the society these days

Climbing Impossible Mountain Road in China [VIDEO]

In this episode on Tekniq, we shall embark on a journey with a truck driver in China going up and down an extremely difficult hill.

Published 15 hours ago VXV
Published 15 hours ago VXV

Climbing Impossible Mountain Road in China [VIDEO]

In this episode on Tekniq, we shall embark on a journey with a truck driver in China going up and down an extremely difficult hill.