- The best videos from around the internet - page 1

A Social Test-Prank to see what the average citizen would do... [VIDEO]

Those young men just proved there are still good people out there who care about others.

The ladies perhaps were afraid to confront the man, but they could have at least called for nearby help in that regard.

Published 58 minutes ago VXV
Published 58 minutes ago VXV

A Social Test-Prank to see what the average citizen would do... [VIDEO]

Those young men just proved there are still good people out there who care about others. The ladies perhaps were afraid to confront the man, but they could have at least called for nearby help in that regard.

Building an Amazing Shelter Over the WATER with Plastic Wrap [VIDEO]

In this video, in the woods on the banks of one of the many tributaries of the TETERIV River, I built an amazing shelter out of plastic wrap.

Published 21 hours ago VXV
Published 21 hours ago VXV

Building an Amazing Shelter Over the WATER with Plastic Wrap [VIDEO]

In this video, in the woods on the banks of one of the many tributaries of the TETERIV River, I built an amazing shelter out of plastic wrap.