- The best videos from around the internet - page 60

'Oh my god!' Bison herd thunders by Yellowstone tourists [VIDEO]

This couple had an extremely close encounter with a huge bison herd that stopped traffic at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

Published 5 months ago VXV
Published 5 months ago VXV

'Oh my god!' Bison herd thunders by Yellowstone tourists [VIDEO]

This couple had an extremely close encounter with a huge bison herd that stopped traffic at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

When you lied on your resume [VIDEO]

If you weigh 50kg standing on one leg how much. how much would you weigh standing on two legs?

Published 6 months ago VXV
Published 6 months ago VXV

When you lied on your resume [VIDEO]

If you weigh 50kg standing on one leg how much. how much would you weigh standing on two legs?

Crazy footage from 1987 shows SeaWorld trainer John Sillick being body slammed by a huge orca

Nov. 21, 1987: Trainer John Sillick, 26, is seriously injured when a 12,000-pound killer whale lands on him during a show. He suffers a fractured pelvis, femur and ribs. The trainer was performing in a pool with two whales when the accident occurred.

Published 4 months ago VXV
Published 4 months ago VXV

Crazy footage from 1987 shows SeaWorld trainer John Sillick being body slammed by a huge orca

Nov. 21, 1987: Trainer John Sillick, 26, is seriously injured when a 12,000-pound killer whale lands on him during a show. He suffers a fractured pelvis, femur and ribs. The trainer was performing in a pool with two whales when the accident occurred.